Online Holiday Shopping:                         Cyber Security Tips


Save your log-in information of multiple online shopping accounts (ex: Amazon, Target) with a secured password manager.

Use a Password  Manager 


Be smart with  Payment Options

When checking out, carefully select if you want to keep your payment method on file. If checked yes do remember your billing information is saved on the online retailer's database.


Don't fall for Sweet Deals 

If you come across sweet deals online, better think twice before purchasing. Cross-check the item's website for authenticity, the pictures, and prices on other sites.


Website is Secured 

When shopping online look for HTTPS in the URL. HTTPS means entering any information is secured. HTTP means the site is not secured and attackers can steal any information if proceeding to use site.


Use Antivirus on your PC 

Have a good antivirus program on your PC for upcoming holiday shopping will keep you safe against known malware.


Don't provide additional Information 

Be suspicious when online shopping sites ask for additional sensitive information such as:     -Social Securtiy Number     -Date of Birth


Stay Safe! Happy Wishful Online Holiday Shopping

For more Cybersecurity tips check out: