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Managed IT

Managed IT

Businesses in every industry thrive each year with the help of Managed IT companies. No matter if your a general contractor, dentist, insurance broker or doctor, running a business uses computers for company data. Using such data as computer hardware and installed software often runs into troubleshooting and unexpected delays. We call these delays IT disruptions that can affect your business, clients and vendor communications by stopping or slowing down operations.  It’s very common that small business owners don’t believe they need an IT person or department but it is a valuable asset for any business size.  Companies should understand the importance of managed IT. Furthermore, they should understand the most common IT support issues and why they need IT for 5 or more computers.

What Is Managed IT

The term ‘Managed IT’  means there are technical support issues within computer systems. Simply put, managed IT means computer & IT support. For example, Microsoft Windows is the most common computer system and used in the workplace. All businesses have computers they need to use to perform daily operations. All common computer issues stem from it’s hardware or software components. One office computer has problems while the printer device shows issues connecting or printing. The office team calls their internal IT department for help. Managed IT troubleshoots the issues and is the help desk for its computer users. Most large companies with multiple facilities that frequently communicate have an in-house IT department. While other businesses outsource their IT support to an IT Managed Service.

Advantages of hiring a Managed IT company versus an in-house technician?

  • Time Response
  • Cost
  • Number of Technicians

It first comes down to the company’s specific needs. Whether its an immediate response, an in-house technician will troubleshoot and support your operations instantly. Some small businesses don’t need an immediate response while other companies do.  The one major concern brought up with small businesses is the turn around time. For example, if they have an issue, is it going to take 3-4 hours to fix the problem. With Green Shield Technology, we have service level agreements stating an appropriate response time best for both parties.

The disadvantages for having one technician means the over-all experience is limited. For Instance, the technician cannot get additional feedback from other techs before implementing changes. This lack of team experience may cause issues to your network. What if the problem that occurs is beyond the scope of that technician’s knowledge? What if that technician isn’t available? Or, the technician cannot get to all the problems which lead to multiple problems. For example, one technician is trying to solve issues of a five person team.

Now, if your business does have an in-house technician, the advantages of a “Managed IT” company is an added perk. Unlike having one in-house technician that you rely on 100%, now with a managed IT company you have multiple technicians. For example, if one technician cannot solve the problem, they can rely upon another team members. Therefore, you have multiple technicians with different levels of experience working to solve the same problem. Further, depending on your needs and current infrastructure it might be more cost-effective to hire an managed IT company than a full-time technician.

Support Services For Your Business Needs

If you don’t have an IT team already in place, a Managed IT company may be a better solution. With Green Shield Technology, you get assigned an account manager who becomes familiar with your business and IT infrastructure. In addition, the account manager builds a custom plan to keep your business operating with little to no down time. For instance you get multiple agents or technicians to help provide support to your users. Further, having multiple people working on your network ensures the best service possible as you get multiple perspectives and ideas. 

picture of IT Managed Services

  1. Network Infrastructure Review & Needs Analysis
  • Reviewing your current network infrastructure and find out the strengths and weakness to meet the  business and compliance needs.
  1. Custom IT Infrastructure Plan
  • Based on the Network Infrastructure Review & Needs Analysis, creating a custom infrastructure plan that meets your requirements and budget.
  1. Remote & On-Site Support Service
  • Using a ticketing system, clients reach us via support requests that are never overlooked or disregarded. Can‘t get fixed remotely?  Scheduling out an agent to your office for on-site support.
  1. Preventative Maintenance 
  • This process keeps equipment up and running, preventing any unplanned downtime and expensive costs from unanticipated equipment failure.
  1. Security First! Business Oriented Mindset
  • Help businesses save money by providing secure business solutions by protecting data integrity and lowering risk and compliance fines.


picture of Josue Nolasco
Josue Nolasco

Lets Wrap this Up…

Wow! This was a lot of information and thank you by the way for hanging in there as it may cause information overload. I am joking by the way but it is important for you not to overwhelm yourself. Lets do a brief review, remember, Managed IT are technical support issues within computer systems. Simply put, Managed IT means computer & IT support.

Furthermore, thanks again for taking your time and gaining some knowledge about Managed IT. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us with a no obligation chat. You can contact us here.


Josue Nolasco

I'm a former US Marine infantryman who made a switch to IT to provide cyber security services to SMB's. I'm as much a child of technology as I am of the great outdoors. I like spending time playing, experimenting with, and learning new technologies and whenever possible taking camping trips with friends and family.

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